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How to paste adsense code in blogger HTML

Ready to start earning money from your blog? Learn how to paste AdSense code in your Blogger HTML with this step-by-step guide.

If you're looking to monetize your blog, one popular option is to use Google AdSense. To get started, you'll need to paste the AdSense code into your Blogger HTML. This can be a simple process, but it's important to follow the steps carefully to ensure that your ads display correctly on your blog.

Paste Google Adsense code in blogger head and HTML

AdSense is the best platform that allows its users to make money by showing ads (also called publisher ads) in between your posts and applications (usually Android packages). 

Google's ad-serving program, AdSense, is one of the simplest ways to make money from your website. It allows you to place ads on your site and split the resulting revenue with Google. This program has the potential to be a great source of income for your website, but there are a few things you need to do to make sure you're getting the most out of it. Here are five tips to help you start making money with AdSense.

Making money from AdSense can be a tricky business. You need to have a lot of traffic coming to your website to make significant money. That said, there are a few things you can do to increase your chances of making some extra cash from Adsense:

1) Place AdSense on high-traffic pages of your website. This will ensure that you’re getting the most out of your advertising space.

2) Use relevant keywords in your AdSense titles

Adsense is a program run by Google that allows publishers in the Google Network of content sites to serve automatic text, image, video, or interactive media advertisements. These advertisements are administered, sorted, and targeted by Google. Advertisers can target their ads to appear on specific pages on the web, or they can target users who have visited other websites with similar content.

If you are a publisher and would like to join the Adsense program, you will need to create an account and then add your website or blog. Once your website has been approved, you will be able to choose from a variety of ads on your website.

Here we are not concerned with applications. Most users who use WordPress also start from like me to create their awesome blogs and content. But what if we want to change our passion into a profession? Nice Question!! Here I'll show you the exact way to monetize your Blogger website. But stop!! Here is the trending-worldwide question can we monetize our Blogger's free domain. For example
Yup, we can do that.


Let's get back to our topic that how to connect AdSense to Blogger.

Steps to Create AdSense Account

Step # 1  Create an AdSense account

Go to In the left sidebar, there is a drop-down menu. From there, choose the blog that you want to monetize, and then go to the Earnings tab. If you already have an AdSense account, you will find the option "connect your site." Secondly, if you do not have an AdSense account, you will be asked to "create your AdSense account."

how to paste adsense code in blogger

Connect AdSense to Blogger

When you create your AdSense account, AdSense will email you a script. Now to paste that script (a piece of code) into the blogger website, follow these steps:

1. Copy that code

Go to Gmail inbox and open the email from AdSense. Scroll down, and you will see a code like this:

<script async src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

Copy such a code from your email. It is only an example

2. Open your Blog

Go to Blogger and then go to the theme tab of the blog that you want to monetize. In the theme tab, next to customize option, there is a drop-down menu. Click on the Backup button to make a backup file that is crucial so that if you make a mistake in the theme file you could restore that original file easily.

3. Edit HTML

When you have backed up your theme again click on that dropdown icon then click on Edit HTML. A page of all codes that runs your blogger website will appear there. Be careful while editing this file and make sure that you have a backed-up theme.

4. Paste Code between <head> and </head>

1) Click anywhere in the code editor and press CTRL+F. Then search for <head>

keep in mind that this search is different from a web browser"

paste adsense code in blogger
Click on the image to zoom.

2) <head> will be highlighted. Below the </head> tag, you will see some scripts. Just paste the AdSense code there. Keep in Min that all codes should be at the same distance from the margin. Consider an example below:

connect AdSense to
Click on the image to zoom.

If you deleted the AdSense email accidentally, then copy the code below and replace pub-1234567890123456 with your AdSense publisher ID.

Where can you find your AdSense publisher ID?

Go to In the URL bar of the browser, you will see the following type of link

In this link, pub-1234567890123456 is your publisher ID.

Don't forget to save by clicking on the floppy disk option at the top right corner.

The success of this process

If you successfully paste AdSense code in your blogger HTML, then on saving, it will be slightly changed. After that, AdSense will review your website. If it complies with AdSense program policies, then your website will be monetized.

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  1. Thanks bro. But can you please tell how to solve valuable inventory: No content
  2. Sir is it possible to get AdSense approval on domain?
    please reply
    1. Yes Muhammad Riaz, it is definitely possible to get adsense approval on domain because google wants content. If you have great content which drives organic traffic to your website your website will definitely be monetized🤩
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